These Soul Scopes are created through intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology with the loving intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads these messages.

Read your Ascendant (Rising) sign for deeper insight.


Aries (Page of Gabriel)
News of an exciting new opportunity may land in your lap week and the Angels are encouraging you to wholeheartedly embrace it, even if you think you’re not ready. This will spark your creativity and adventurous spirit and you’ll be inspired to take action toward bringing a passion or dream to fruition. What are you being called to do? It’s time for your uniqueness and inventiveness to shine through. Embrace challenges and pursue your passions with unwavering commitment and enthusiasm. This new venture may involve some form of study or connection to a mentor who can guide you further along the path. This is a wonderful opportunity to align spiritual guidance and inspired action to achieve magical resonance. Get creative and explore all possibilities and potential. Record your inspirational ideas. Someone energetic, brave, optimistic and playful may be significant to you this week – an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

Taurus (Nine of Raphael)
A wish you have been secretly keeping in your heart takes flight this week. It is time to really feel into this dream, charge it with emotional energy, and feel the joy of manifesting it into being. Allow time to listen to the whisper of your intuitive feelings and do not dismiss anything that seems unattainable. Dreams are only that until they are achieved. If you can dream it, feel it, believe it and have unwavering faith that the universe will provide, there is no wish too big! You deserve the happiness and unbridled joy that following this dream will provide. Dreams are literally the clues to how we can best express our Divine gifts and innate talents. So make a wish because this week it may just take flight!

Gemini (Four of Raphael)
You may feel that you are missing out on something or feeling dissatisfied with a person or situation which is impacting your emotional health. Emotions play an important role in our sense of well-being and you can turn victimhood into empowerment by flooding your heart with grateful thoughts and honouring your feelings this week. Focus on the wonderful life you have rather than what you think you don’t have. Acknowledge where you are and how you can move toward a new emotional state. You are on your own journey and you have a unique heart-print that needs to be expressed, there is no need to compare yourself to others. Disappointment is simply a sign that the universe is guiding you toward something more fulfilling. It is time to turn your attention to those possibilities and connect to the hope that flickers, like a flame, within you.

Cancer (Queen of Gabriel)
Express your passion, creativity and boldness this week. Leave doubt and insecurity behind. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Throw in a splash of cheekiness and playfulness in your intimate relationships too! Others will find your enthusiasm irresistible and will want to spend time in your energy. Your creativity is amplified this week, so if there is a hobby or interest you have been meaning to do for a while, this is the week to pour energy into it and possibly even grow it into a full blown business venture. This will energise your spirit and align you with your divine purpose and path in life. Someone passionate, independent, warm and spontaneous may be significant – an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. You can accomplish anything this week – go after what you want. Your creativity and problem-solving skills are at a peak!

Leo (The Wheel)
If you’ve been experiencing frustration over an important situation or decision, blocks will be lifted this week and things will move forward quickly. Focus your thoughts and feelings on the outcome to propel you forward. This is a period of expansion, opportunities and advancement as you switch your mind to optimistic expectation, confident in the knowledge that everything will work well for you once your energy is directed towards what you desire. If a situation has been challenging, you’ll be able to appreciate the positive effect it had on your life and put those lessons into practice with future experiences. Good luck is also indicated and it all starts with optimistic thinking! You may be pleasantly surprised by something that manifests quickly this week. Maintain positive focus on your faith to keep the wheel of fortune turning.

Virgo (The Moon)
There is more than meets the eye with a situation this week. Things are not clear so you will need to gather more information and process it through an intuitive lens to gain clarity. Decisions made in haste without having all the facts will only create further problems. You are also invited to sit with your light and shadow this week too. We all have both aspects and this is what makes us human! If you are going deeper into shadow work, invoke Archangel Haniel to help you to process emotions and past life wounds which may be contributing to your current experience. What you are scared of the most is actually where your greatest power lies. Trust that your true nature and intuition will illuminate a safe path through all experiences this week. Be comfortable in the grey, trusting in the power of your emotional body to communicate deep truth.

Libra (Four of Gabriel)
Same message for you again this week, Libra! Revel in the energy of celebration. Your hard work pays off this week and provides you with deep feelings of satisfaction with how your life is evolving. Connection to your higher self and confidence in divine guidance are strong this week and you may experience prophetic visions. You are laying foundations and creating stability in your life, especially around activities relating to your life purpose. Successful completion of a project is indicated and may pay off in material and spiritual ways this week too. Home matters are also highlighted such as celebrating a milestone in a relationship, business partnership or creative endeavour. If you have been thinking about taking a relationship to the next level, this week is the perfect time to plan and take action towards making it happen. Celebrate your progress and achievements and build on them. Stable foundations are set through creative action and social connection this week. Co-create joyful experiences with the universe!

Scorpio (The Sun)
You are filled with optimism and joy this week which provides you with a strong sense of confidence. Archangel Uriel is guiding you to own your power and shine your light with magnificence. Allow your warmth to bring positivity and confidence to others too. You may feel strong enough to address a situation that has been dimming your light for some time. Embrace your divinity and allow the sun to warm up those places within you that you have kept hidden. Illumination will be brought to an uncertain situation this week, bringing new growth and opportunities. Maintain a positive outlook and you will experience the universal flow of perfect timing, synchronicity and helpful people. Connecting with your inner child is important for creative play and joyful experiences. It is all about you this week. Bask in your own glorious light!

Sagittarius (The Empress)
Here is the same message for you again this week, Sag! Are you listening to your body? Anything you nurture and give your loving attention to will flourish this week. This is also a time of healing through creative expression. Grounding and connecting with Mother Earth revitalises you this week and helps you to feel more connected to your psychic senses. This is a week where you need to work intimately with the feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing. Not driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to permeate all of your activities and decisions. If you are thinking about directing your intuition in a professional way, this week is ideal for you to commence your own business, especially if it involves women or working with divine feminine energy. Birth and pregnancy are also significant to you this week, literally or figuratively. Activating your sacral chakra through creative play will boost your intimate relationships and sensuality. Let go of inhibitions and have fun!

Capricorn (Seven of Michael)
The truth of a situation or person is revealed to you this week and you may need to review a course of action as a result. Take note of thoughts that come to you in quiet moments as these hold divinely guided solutions to redirect you. The path you take may be different from what you anticipated, but it is the outcome that will bring you peace of mind. Also, speaking your truth will attract new allies this week and has the potential to break open a situation that is dense with egoic energy and lack of integrity. Trust that the truth will always move you in the best direction, even if it causes discomfort initially. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt this week will prove beneficial to both parties. This is not the time for hasty decisions, practice strategic patience until further information comes to hand. Welcome the freedom that truth brings.

Aquarius (King of Michael)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional clutter and get straight to the heart of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and courage. If there is a difficult decision to make, you have the wisdom to reach a decision that balances mental and emotional considerations and is fair to all concerned. In business, your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary and people will appreciate your direct approach this week. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week in a professional capacity – most likely a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Communicate honestly, even if it’s difficult.

Pisces (Nine of Ariel)
It’s time to enjoy life’s abundant treasures this week and celebrate our beautiful Mother Earth and all she offers. If you have put a lot of energy into your work it is now time to relax and rejuvenate. Something involving physical touch, aromatherapy or sound therapy will be just what you need! Spending time in nature will also provide contentment and a stronger feeling of well-being. Successful self-employment is also indicated, so if you have been considering establishing your own business, be reassured that you already have all of the necessary skills and resources to bring this to fruition. By appreciating the beauty in everything around you, your imagination is ignited and this raises your vibration to attract new streams of abundance. Enjoy the richness of life!

Wishing you a lovingly tender week.

Love Marion xxx

Weekly Soul Scopes 19-25 July 2021