These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Nine of Pentacles)
This is a time to celebrate your independence and exude inner confidence. You have reached a place of mastery and there is a sense of being able to manage your life with the expectation of success. You are self-sufficient and have all the resources you need to be successful in any endeavour you put your energy into. You are comfortable in your own skin and not bound by the opinions or judgements of others. You are free to take your life in any direction you choose now as you have perfected the art of manifestation to draw the right people and experiences to you that will propel you along your evolutionary path. In this energy of knowing your value, you attract opportunities and people to you who will deeply enrich your life. This is all about being grateful for who you are and where you are in life right now!

Taurus (King of Pentacles)
You are feeling stable, grounded and comfortable with where you are at in life this week, particularly in a material and physical sense. You are stepping up and taking care of your responsibilities, providing stability and showing up for others in your world too. Work wise, you are confidently owning your authority in a particular field and it may be rewarded with higher remuneration as a reflection of your value and contribution. You are in an abundance mindset of knowing that things always work out well for you and the universe always provides what you need, and more. Your maturity and practicality will serve you well this week. An auspicious time to plan for your long term financial future and make adjustments now to ensure sustainability. A Capricorn may be significant to you this week. You may need to step up and take responsibility for a group or team. This is a chance to showcase your leadership.

Gemini (Six of Wands)
There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. You have come through challenges with new found strength, courage and belief in yourself.  A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t, emerging from a period of inner struggle. You are now turning the corner with regard to breaking ancestral patterns that may have been passed down through multiple generations. Your ancestors are celebrating you and all the inner work you have done to put yourself on this path to success. Those who kept you small will be jealous of the success you’re now experiencing. Rejoice in your resurgence! Your authenticity is moving you in the right direction, magnetising the people who can truly celebrate you. Move confidently forward to the life you have envisioned!

Cancer (Queen of Wands)
The Queen of Wands is here to fill you with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness this week, without caring what others think. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week too, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! With all this fiery, spirited energy you can accomplish almost anything this week. Your soul craves passionate connection and creative expression. Allow yourself to immerse in this vibrant energy. You are powerfully magnetic!

Leo (Five of Pentacles)
You may have a tendency to fall into a lack mindset this week, especially around finances. If you have been trying to resolve an issue on your own, it may be time to seek assistance rather than allowing it to bring you down. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Once you turn your energy to focusing on a solution that involves assistance from others, including your angels and guides, your situation will improve. It is important not to dwell on your weaknesses and catastrophise situations from a lack mindset. Intuitive counselling and energy healing may assist, especially through body work. Remember that in addition to support from people, you have a team of guardian angels and guides who are ready to assist on a spiritual level. It’s time to accept that you can’t do this on your own, seek help to realign your energy. What you need to be healthy and happy is completely within your reach now. This too shall pass.

Virgo (The Empress)
Get ready for a week of sensuality, feeling good in your body and delighting in the pleasure of all your senses. Settle into your feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing, rather than driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to shine through this week too. You are in the ideal environment to birth something new into your reality. Creativity exists in many different forms so whatever activity brings you joy and takes you out of your head needs to be prioritised this week. It will activate your sacral chakra, bringing a sense of fun and play into your life which boosts your energy. Let go of inhibitions and have fun, it’ll work wonders for your soul. Do something your body will enjoy. Your value is on the rise this week too, don’t allow others to diminish it!

Libra (Three of Cups)
A light, playful energy is with you this week and there will be something to celebrate that brings you emotional happiness and connection with those you love and cherish. Reunion energy is also around you. This is a wonderful time for social activities, fun, joy and frivolity and good old-fashioned shenanigans. The clear message this week is to experience fun with others and reconnect with your joy for life. Close friendships which provide you with emotional comfort and a sense of belonging are important this week too. You may also discover a new soul family connection or group that celebrates your unique and rare pattern. There’s nothing better than being around people who fill up your soul and heart cup. Revel in the emotional nourishment of special people who celebrate you and everything you are. Positive emotions are flowing!

Scorpio (Four of Pentacles)
You may be feeling very protective of your energy this week. Too much energy output has left you feeling depleted emotionally and physically. You’ll need to be very discerning about where to invest your time, energy, resources and love this week in order to regain your strength. No amount of giving to some people will ever see a return on your investment, so there is a decision to make about how much longer you will continue and to what extent. Situations that have an organic, equal exchange of energy are where you need to invest right now, and you can’t let fear hold you back. Remember, money is an energy system and needs to flow in and out to keep it working for us. Knowing your value and not settling will help you to know where to best invest your time, energy and resources, because the energy exchange will naturally show up.

Sagittarius (Five of Swords)
Your mind is a powerful tool this week and it may take you down all sorts of rabbit holes! There may also be the tendency to self-sabotage and spiral into pessimism because of insecurity or self-doubt. Sometimes it’s easier to create a conflict scenario in your head rather than be vulnerable with someone and risk rejection. There is safety in the separation and distance, especially if you are in an emotional dip, or trying to distance yourself from someone you actually have deep feelings for. The key here is to ride the emotional wave, either yours or the other person’s and wait until you are in calmer waters before making a decision or taking action. Sometimes we need to be comfortable with ambiguity instead of indulging our ego’s need for certainty. Accepting the not knowing is what will allow you to put it to rest and propel you forward now.

Capricorn (Seven of Cups)
This card represents the energy of Venus in Scorpio. Venus is all about value and Scorpio challenges us to face our fears. You will need to make a choice this week but it may not be clear if you are doing it from a place of fear, or value for yourself. Trust your emotional compass to guide you this week, it is pointing you in the direction of your highest good to get you to honour your value. But, there may also be reactivity driving your decision and this comes from a place of taking things personally. This is when things can get murky, especially if we can’t undo a decision we regret. The choice based in love is the right one now. It’s a matter of feelings over rational thought in this case. Allow your heart chakra to remain open to opportunities you know are showing up to elevate you. The universe never offers us anything we are not ready for. This is your future self you are being asked to embrace now and as you focus on what you truly love and are passionate about, the more your destined path will be revealed.

Aquarius (The Star)
This week you are feeling more positive and hopeful about the future. Your experiences over the recent past have shown that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You can relax now and have full trust in the universe’s plan knowing that challenges are behind you and you are now in a period of integration, healing and soul growth. The cosmos is calling you to a greater level of authentic expression. You are now ready to embrace more of your own soul’s light now. You are optimistic about where you are heading and have support from the cosmos to make long-term plans in the pursuit of your true path. Allow inspiration to flow through you and Divine messages to guide you. Surrender to universal power, there is no need to control. Trust, faith and belief in your self will ensure success. Self-acceptance is your super power this week, and that star you’ve made a wish upon is now winking back at you. Follow your North Star!

Pisces (Seven of Swords)
The same card has appeared for you again this week, Pisces. What are the chances?! This time though, there is a different message coming through with the Seven of Swords and it’s about avoidance. It seems you are not being truthful about your feelings, and you are avoiding being vulnerable with the person you know you need to be open and honest with. It’s coming through as you operating from a wounded place because of something they had every right to be upset about. This has caused you to go into victim mode and act like you are the one who has been wronged. Deep down, you know the truth and it is up to you to address the conflict that has occurred and clear the tension between you. You cannot rationalise your way out of this by making up a story that abrogates your responsibility in the matter. Avoiding this will only result in the low vibration of untruth being trapped in your psyche. It’s time to face up to the role you played in it.

Soul Scopes 22-28 July 2024