These Soul Scopes are a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads their Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant (Rising) sign.
Aries (Four of Wands)
This is a time of celebration as your life is elevating to a new level of connection with people in your soul tribe. This is also a sign of a major rite of passage or significant personal achievement. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now, and it could be a deep soul connection with someone with whom you can journey through life. The New Moon on 29 January is bringing you a significant person, or group, who will accept you just as you are, in all your wonderful quirkiness.
Taurus (Two of Cups)
You had this card a few weeks ago, Taurus, how lucky are you to be radiating this much love! Â Partnerships of all kinds are in focus this week, be thru romantic connections, business partners or relationships with clients. There is the opportunity to meet kindred spirits or form an emotionally fulfilling romantic connection. This may be with someone quite different to you, a counterpart that complements your energy in the most magical way. You will feel like your best self with this person, they see into your soul and just get you. Sharing your feelings is important as it will bring you closer and strengthen your emotional bond. Approach all situations with an open heart and allow your love to flow. Choose being happy over being right and embrace the magic that unfolds. Heart connections are your most important priority this week and vulnerability is your key to contentment. You know who you can be emotionally safe with, you have a very special and enduring connection, spanning lifetimes. A meeting of hearts, minds and souls.
Gemini (Knight of Cups)
A genuine, heartfelt offer comes your way this week! The exhilarating highs of love and romance feature in your world this week and a special connection may make your heart sing. Someone may show you just how lovable you are and how much they appreciate you. Thoughtful deeds and gestures of love are all around you this week. If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall more deeply in love with your person. Love is your currency this week, give it without expecting anything in return. Believe that you deserve to receive love too, and know it can show up in many different ways. Someone who is romantic, caring and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. A surprise loving gesture, or message, brings emotional connection with someone special.
Cancer (The Magician)
You have the confidence to step out and make things happen in your life this week. You will need to draw on all the tools in your inner toolbox to create the perfect energetic recipe this week. That means starting with a thought, an intention, charging it with feelings of what it would be like to have the thing/experience, then do whatever you can in a practical sense to set the manifestation process into action. Finally, release it to the universe to figure out the how and when. Your thoughts are powerful this week and you may receive information that sparks an idea into motion. Clinging to a particular outcome blocks Divine flow this week, so allow the universe to work its magic by trusting in cosmic timing. This is how you reclaim your power and tap into your manifesting mojo!
Leo (Ace of Wands)
Say yes to something new and fun. The universe is offering you an exciting new opportunity to align with, or build upon, your life purpose this week. Embrace it with inspiration and optimism. This is your chance to create something truly amazing in your life that reignites your creativity. The cosmos is lining up a new passion project related to your life purpose or something that makes you feel closely connected to the Divine. Take imperfect action this week, starting with the spark of inspiration and fuel it with soul light so it burns brighter. Feel that passion and bravery rising within to create something magical that you can offer the world. This could also be a new person entering your life, who will energise your spirit and make you feel alive again or someone from your past wanting to light the spark of passion with you again. This life-affirming energy brings a new beginning that aligns you with your purpose path.
Virgo (The Emperor)
The Emperor is a combination of all four kings in the Tarot, so this is an invitation to find balance and strength in your masculine energy this week. You are being called to step up and be the authority of your own life. Divine will is calling you to make things happen in your world and blaze new trails. Logic, structure and planning are your super powers this week. When you figure out what you want things will fall into place. Seems simple, right? Sometimes we know what we don’t want, but it can be difficult to figure out what we actually do want for ourselves. All of your wisdom and life experience have brought you to this point and the time is now to execute your strategy. Do everything in your power to create the outcome you desire, but make sure you do it with integrity and fairness. You are the architect of your life and the time is now to take charge and direct it to where you want to go. Everything aligns when you decide what you want. So, what do you truly want for your life? Tell the universe.
Libra (Six of Wands)
This is a time of resurgence and glowing up! There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. You have come through challenges with new found strength, courage and belief in yourself.  A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t, emerging from a period of inner struggle. You are now turning the corner with regard to breaking ancestral patterns that may have been passed down through multiple generations. Your ancestors are celebrating you and all the inner work you have done to put yourself on this path to success. Those who kept you small will be jealous of the success you’re now experiencing. Rejoice in your resurgence! Your authenticity is moving you in the right direction, magnetising the people who can truly celebrate you. Move confidently forward to the life you have envisioned!
Scorpio (Five of Pentacles)
You may have a tendency to fall into a lack mindset this week, especially around finances. If you have been trying to resolve an issue on your own, it may be time to seek assistance rather than allowing it to bring you down. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Once you turn your energy to focusing on a solution that involves assistance from others, including your angels and guides, your situation will improve. It is important not to dwell on your weaknesses and catastrophise situations from a lack mindset. Intuitive counselling and energy healing may assist, especially through body work. Remember that in addition to support from people, you have a team of guardian angels and guides who are ready to assist on a spiritual level. It’s time to accept that you can’t do this on your own, seek help to realign your energy. What you need to be healthy and happy is completely within your reach now. This too shall pass.
Sagittarius (The Moon)
There is more going on in a situation underneath the surface and you are tuning into those energies this week. The Moon is connected to water energy and the signs of Cancer and Pisces, so your feelings  are being stirred. You may feel something going on below the surface, but may not be able to put your finger on it. You are being called to trust in the power of your emotional body to show you the truth of what’s going on. Someone’s behaviour may leak reveal their true feelings this week. Try not to be triggered by it, go deeper to understand the underlying fear and find compassion. The Full Moon in Leo this week could exaggerate intense emotions. If you have to make a big decision, wait until the next new moon in Pisces in late Feb before deciding how you really feel.
Capricorn (Six of Swords)
Something you have been worrying about shifts to a place of peace this week. All it takes is a decision to surrender what you cannot control. The situation will not be resolved in your mind through continual worry and over-thinking. Lay down your sword of anxiety and hyper-vigilance now and trust that all is well. You may wish to detox yourself from all forms of mainstream and social media to give your mind a break from the matrix this week. This creates space for you to commune with your higher mind, the part of you that connects with the intelligence of the universe to gain deeper understanding and meaning for your life. Something you have been ruminating over is resolved this week and you can finally put it to rest. A mental weight is lifted and you can feel lighter about life again.
Aquarius (Queen of Wands)
The Queen of Wands is here to fill you with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness this week, without caring what others think. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week too, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! With all this fiery, spirited energy you can accomplish almost anything this week. Your soul craves passionate connection and creative expression. Allow yourself to immerse in this vibrant energy. You are powerfully magnetic.
Pisces (The Chariot)
There is a lot of activity on the work and home fronts this week and at times it will feel easy, while at other times you will need sheer willpower and determination just to complete simple tasks. Whatever distractions come your way this week, focus on forward motion allowing Divine guidance to direct your course. It is important to strike balance with your emotions this week too, by using them to guide your actions and not allowing the drama of others to take you off course. Take charge of your life and allow your intuition to guide your course, no matter what others may tell you. You know what is right for you better than anyone. Take the reins and steer your own destiny toward a greater sense of emotional security and belonging. Those who provide emotional and psychological safety will come on the journey with you!