These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Two of Wands)
This card reflects the energy of Mars in Aries. You are faced with a choice this week and a clear option presents itself to you. This is about making plans for your future and co-creating your world with the universe. You are setting your intentions now to follow the path your spirit is urging you to take. It is a wonderful opportunity to embark on a journey driven by your desire to create something new, something that puts you in charge of your life.  It’s time to choose the next path now and move along it with courage, focus and passion, leaving the pain of the past behind. This is the pioneering energy of Mars in Aries. When you figure out what you want, and set your intention to take momentous action, just watch how everything starts to align around you.

Taurus (Six of Wands)
There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. You have come through challenges with new found strength, courage and belief in yourself.  A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t, emerging from a period of inner struggle. You are now turning the corner with regard to breaking ancestral patterns that may have been passed down through multiple generations. Your ancestors are celebrating you and all the inner work you have done to put yourself on this path to success. Those who kept you small will be jealous of the success you’re now experiencing. Rejoice in your resurgence! Your authenticity is moving you in the right direction, magnetising the people who can truly celebrate you.

Gemini (King of Wands)
This week there is no holding back. This is a time of creating more freedom in your life, to take charge and go beyond your self-imposed limitations. You may need to step into a leadership role in your work or personal life this week. You have the energy, drive and experience to accomplish your mission! Fire up your entrepreneurial spirit and get your creative offerings out into the world. Focusing on the big picture will carry you through any minor hurdles this week. Remain optimistic and open to different avenues to create the momentum needed to drive forward. This is not the week to take no for an answer. In fact, you’re more likely to be the one saying no to anyone who tries to block you! Someone warm, generous, passionate and driven may be prominent in your life this week – possibly an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius or someone with these signs strongly placed in their chart. It’s time to step into your authentic leadership. You are here to inspire others this week.

Cancer (The Hierophant)
Your spiritual awareness and wisdom is elevating to a new level now and you are opening to higher guidance from the Divine. It is time now to draw on this spiritual energy and infuse it into your daily life. Align your energy and interests with your spiritual beliefs as this is where your life takes on deeper meaning,  keeps you on path and provides a greater feeling of peace. This is a great week to honour traditions and ancestors for the groundwork they have laid for your life. A relationship may reach a new level of commitment this week too, based on Divine intervention. It is a connection orchestrated by the universe. Have faith in your faith, whatever it may be, and know that while some of your human experiences may be painful, the soul celebrates every opportunity to grow and evolve. There is something spiritual in the every day. Honouring this is an important part of our spiritual development. Keep the faith that everything is working out in your favour.

Leo (Page of Swords)
Your curiosity for life is at a peak this week, and you may be inclined to research an area of knowledge or commence a period of study. It is a week of learning, questioning and understanding the world around you. Connecting with others on an intellectual level will be highly stimulating this week too. There may be delays or changes to plans but be open to the idea that it may be the universe nudging you toward something better, or giving you time to refine plans to make them better. You may receive a Divine download this week that turns out to be a brilliant solution to a problem you’ve been mulling over. Avoid gossip this week, it lowers your vibration. Gathering information to try to make sense of a situation is your best approach this week rather than making assumptions or drawing erroneous conclusions without evidence. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius may be significant to you this week. Ask questions before jumping to conclusions.

Virgo (The Sun)
Just like the Sun, you are filled with light, warmth and optimism this week which provides you with a strong sense of confidence and a boost of  life force energy. Radiate your light as bright as it can be this week! Allow your warmth to bring light and joy to everyone who comes into your energy field. You may feel strong enough to address a situation that has been dimming your light for some time, or you may unsettle people who are uncomfortable with their own light. Embrace your divinity and allow the sun to warm up those places within you that you have kept hidden. Illumination will be brought to an uncertain situation this week, bringing new growth and opportunities. Bring out your inner child to play this week too. Bask in your own glorious light, you are magnificent!

Libra (Four of Cups)
You may feel disillusioned with a situation that didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. That’s ok, you need to feel it and process it. The universe has a higher plan and you’re only feeling down because you didn’t trust in the higher plan and attached your mind and heart to a particular outcome. If you want more for your life, that’s great, start from a point of being happy with where you are and grateful for every person and experience that has shaped you. Disappointment is the universe’s way of guiding you toward something more fulfilling. The universe is trying to gift you something amazing that will fill your cup to overflowing. If you keep focusing on your lament, you will miss it!

Scorpio (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding or holding back from. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to get in the way, it robs your joy and dims your light. Just be your authentic self by acknowledging how you feel and remaining open hearted. Even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will be proud of yourself for being so brave it won’t matter! Then you can keep moving forward with greater confidence knowing you have the capacity to face any challenge with your lion-hearted inner strength. A Leo may be important to you this week.

Sagittarius (The Hermit)
You had this card a few weeks ago, Sag, and The Hermit is back to give you some advice again this week. Take time out this week to tend to your inner world, find your still centre, and listen to your inner voice. It is guiding you through a period of uncertainty and confusion. Your inner guide lights the way this week and you may receive guidance on how you can best be of service to others and align with your higher purpose. Your wisdom also lights the path for others this week and you may be called upon to provide spiritual direction for someone. Your mind, body, spirit connection is strong this week. It is all within you, there is no need to look externally for validation or answers. Calm your mind and connect to the messages your soul and body are communicating. Your inner light is guiding the way. The force is strong in you this week, allow it to light your way. After a period of introspection you will know exactly what to do. The answers will come.

Capricorn (Six of Pentacles)
It’s all about the equal exchange of energy in relationships this week. Do you give too much because you don’t feel worthy of receiving? Manage your energy with discernment, especially with those who have a history of constantly drawing on your time, energy and other resources without giving back. Constantly giving causes imbalance and can block the energy of receiving. It may be time to put some healthy boundaries in place and lovingly enforce them. Hold your energy back from some people and you will see more clearly the dynamics at work in those relationships. Of course, never lose sight of the fact that some people are giving to us in their love language. It may not be the way we would prefer, but it is there and if we can be grateful that it is showing up, rather than getting caught up in how, this will go a long way to bringing healing and closeness to your connections.

Aquarius (Four of Pentacles)
You may be feeling very protective of your energy this week. Too much energy output has left you feeling depleted emotionally and physically. You’ll need to be very discerning about where to invest your time, energy, resources and love this week in order to regain your strength. No amount of giving to some people will ever see a return on your investment, so there is a decision to make about how much longer you will continue and to what extent. Situations that have an organic, equal exchange of energy are where you need to invest right now, and you can’t let fear hold you back. Remember, money is an energy system and needs to flow in and out to keep it working for us. Knowing your value and not settling will help you to know where to best invest your time, energy and resources, because the energy exchange will naturally show up.

Pisces (Seven of Wands)
This card reflects the energy of Mars in Leo. You are coming out on top this week. After a period of struggle and conflict, your resilience is stronger and you vibration is higher. Some things are worth fighting for and you may need to speak up this week to defend your position, or be firm about what you will and won’t tolerate. Your defences may be up this week too because you may be too proud to admit something. This only perpetuates the energy of conflict and separation. You can come out on top this week by not taking things personally or overreacting. Allow things to settle so you can see the situation with an open heart. Things always work out when you allow your true, authentic self to lead the way, and drop your guard so people can see your true intentions. Find your life-affirming spirit!

Soul Scopes 13-19 May 2024