These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Four of Swords)
This is a week of mental rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself and reconnect with your heart. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if possible. Mental rest and recuperation are needed to reignite your hope and positive outlook on life. Everything seems better when you can shut down your overactive mind and have faith that everything is working out exactly as it is meant to, using your heart as your guide. You are protected by your team in spirit at this time.

Taurus (The Tower)
Change is on its way! It may not be comfortable, but it is necessary, so this message is a heads up to prepare yourself. The universe is providing you with a revelation or epiphany about changes that are needed to align you to your true north. If something unexpected happens, this is your sign that the universe is shaking up your plans to get a better outcome. This involves rebuilding an aspect of your life with stronger foundations based on a new level of awareness. These changes will involve breakthroughs in those areas of your life where you need a shift in mindset and awareness to shift you out of old, stagnant energy. If it feels exciting and scary at the same time, you know you are on the right path. In three months you will understand that what happened was necessary for your progress.

Gemini (Three of Cups)
A social, playful energy is with you this week and there will be something to celebrate that brings you emotional happiness and connection with those you love and cherish. Reunion energy is also around you. This is a wonderful time for social activities, fun, joy and frivolity and good old-fashioned shenanigans. The clear message this week is to experience fun with others and reconnect with your joy for life. Close friendships which provide you with emotional comfort and a sense of belonging are important this week too. You may also discover a new soul family connection or group that celebrates your unique and rare pattern. There’s nothing better than being around people who fill up your soul and heart cup. Revel in the emotional nourishment of special people who celebrate you and everything you are. Positive emotions are flowing!

Cancer (Six of Pentacles)
It’s all about the equal exchange of energy in relationships this week. Romantic and business relationships. Do you give too much because you don’t feel worthy of receiving, or feel that you need to prove your worth? Manage your energy with discernment, especially with those who have a history of constantly drawing on your time, energy and other resources without giving back. Constantly giving causes imbalance and can block the energy of receiving. It’s all about reciprocity this week and you may need to make sure that others are contributing at the same level you are. There may be some compromise and negotiation required to strike the right balance between give and take. It’s time for you to get comfortable with receiving, you know the joy of giving and you need to allow others to give to you now, to allow them the same joy.

Leo (Queen of Swords)
Discerning the truth of a situation will be important this week. You will need to trust your inner knowing and balance it with the evidence you have in front of you. You may need to be brutally honest about the reality of a situation. Honesty and humour in are your tools of choice as you navigate decisions and assess courses of action this week. You have the ability to see clearly and not be swayed by emotions or hidden agendas. Your perception is razor sharp and you can rely on your judgement but you don’t need to be harsh in your delivery of the truth, temper it with a splash of empathy. You may feel like calling someone out on their lies or misconduct and it may be important to put a boundary in place too. This is also a powerful time to speak your truth from a place of deep knowing of, and love for, yourself. You can be honest and kind at the same time. Communication is essential, but choose your words wisely. A strong mind is your superpower this week and will help you to navigate confusing emotional waters with calmness and clarity.

Virgo (The Magician)
After a period of contemplation, you have the confidence to step out and make things happen in your life. You will need to draw on all the tools in your inner toolbox to create the perfect energetic recipe this week. That means starting with a thought, an intention, charging it with feelings of what it would be like to have the thing/experience, then do whatever you can in a practical sense to set the manifestation process into action. Finally, release it to the universe to figure out the how and when. Your thoughts are powerful this week and you may receive information that sparks an idea into motion. Clinging to a particular outcome blocks Divine flow this week, so allow the universe to work its magic by trusting in cosmic timing. This is how you reclaim your power and tap into your manifesting mojo!

Libra (Ten of Pentacles)
Tangible results and blessings are coming into your reality now. This is a wonderful time to feel grateful for what you have created in your life as everything is coming together in the most perfect way regarding money, career, relationships and health. You will find the energy that you have invested over time is paying off. You have done the work to create stability and security in your life and this message is confirmation that you have manifested this abundance. There is so much to be grateful for, especially the gifts within the challenges you have faced. You may reach a turning point with a health challenge this week too. The worst is over and the healing path is revealed now, bringing comfort and contentment with where you are in life. Give yourself permission to feel happy knowing that whatever is showing up in your life is a reflection of the inner world you have nurtured. If something is not showing up, focus on raising your vibration and letting go of outcomes. If it’s meant to be yours, it will come. Stay patient.

Scorpio (Two of Wands)
This card reflects the energy of Mars in Aries. You are faced with a choice this week and a clear option presents itself to you. This is about making plans for your future and co-creating your world with the universe. You are setting your intentions now to follow the path your spirit is urging you to take. It is a wonderful opportunity to embark on a journey driven by your desire to create something new, something that puts you in charge of your life.  It’s time to choose the next path now and move along it with courage, focus and passion, leaving the pain of the past behind. This is the pioneering energy of Mars in Aries. When you figure out what you want, and set your intention to take momentous action, just watch how everything starts to align around you.

Sagittarius (Three of Pentacles)
Good planning and teamwork build the foundations for success this week. You will have an opportunity to showcase your skills, talents and capabilities in a team or group to achieve a shared outcome. This is a time of significant growth in your mastery of the physical and material world. The power of creativity and teamwork is magical this week as you summon your resources to bring a vision or dream into reality through practical application of your spiritual and human capabilities. Imperfect action now will allow you to iterate, refine and grow this vision or dream into a very special offering that will be of service to others. In relationships, someone may seek you out as they see your value and want to work with you to build something meaningful. Be open to compromise and collaboration, there’s something very special ready to be created.

Capricorn (Ten of Wands)
You may be feeling overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities and commitments this week. Your only task is to focus on what truly matters and leave others to swim in their own lane. It’s not your job to take on their work. Lighten your load without guilt or remorse. In the end, you are only responsible for you, you don’t have to carry the load for others, they are on their own journey. Lay down your burdens and do something fun to lighten your energy. It’s time to regain your spark. Enough is enough, it’s time to draw a line in the sand and release the burden of responsibility that is weighing you down. It’s the only way others with learn what they need to learn.

Aquarius (The Hanged One)
The universe is putting you in a temporary pause this week. Whatever significant thing you are thinking of doing is either not fully formed or the wrong timing. You will need to gain a deeper understanding of unseen factors in a particular situation so you can know how to proceed. Magical avenues open up when you expand your awareness beyond the physical and tangible world to the unseen, ethereal and world of soul, spirit and higher realms. You are experiencing  a situation in the 3D that may be confusing or perplexing, and the universe is putting you in The Hanged Man so you can gain a spiritual perspective on it. Things will become clearer when you surrender the problem to the cosmos. Don’t try to force it, flow is your super power this week!

Pisces (Page of Pentacles)
This week there are opportunities to improve your physical and material security. You are learning how to successfully navigate this world as a soul in human form. Your thoughts and actions are geared toward how you can feel more grounded in your physical body and more stable with finances. A new pathway may reveal itself this week where you can begin to take practical steps to bring a dream or idea  into being. This card signifies that you are experimenting and adapting as you progress along this new path, learning through experience. You may also meet someone more experienced in this field who can provide support and guidance and help you formulate a plan going forward. A Taurean may be significant to you this week. Remain open to seeing people and situations as learning experiences  of what it means to be a soul in physical form, with all the challenges and growth it provides.

Soul Scopes 2-8 September 2024