These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Five of Pentacles)
You may have a tendency to fall into a lack mindset this week, especially around finances. If you have been trying to resolve an issue on your own, it may be time to seek assistance rather than allowing it to bring you down. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Once you turn your energy to focusing on a solution that involves assistance from others, including your angels and guides, your situation will improve. It is important not to dwell on your weaknesses and catastrophise situations from a lack mindset. Intuitive counselling and energy healing may assist, especially through body work. Remember that in addition to support from people, you have a team of guardian angels and guides who are ready to assist on a spiritual level. It’s time to accept that you can’t do this on your own, seek help to realign your energy. What you need to be healthy and happy is completely within your reach now. This too shall pass.

Taurus (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week. Are you refusing to see a situation clearly? You hold the key to your mental clarity by getting in touch with the truth via your emotions. You can try all you like to sweep it under the carpet and convince yourself that something is the way you want it to be, but your feelings know the truth. You know what’s going on and you need to face up to it, otherwise your head and heart will continue to be in discord and that is not a healthy state to be in. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you will know what to do to resolve situations that are in a state of tension. And the decision you need to make will naturally emerge. Trust that the right words will come at the right time!

Gemini (Ten of Pentacles)
Tangible results and blessings are coming into your reality now. This is a wonderful time to feel grateful for what you have created in your life as everything is coming together in the most perfect way. You will find the energy that you have invested over time is paying off. You have done the work to create stability and security in your life and this message is confirmation that you have manifested this abundance. There is so much to be grateful for, especially the gifts within the challenges you have faced. You may reach a turning point with a health challenge this week too. The worst is over and the healing path is revealed now, bringing comfort and contentment with where you are in life. Give yourself permission to feel happy knowing that whatever is showing up in your life is a reflection of the inner world you have nurtured. If something is not showing up, focus on raising your vibration and letting go of outcomes. If it’s meant to be yours, it will come. Stay patient.

Cancer (Death-Rebirth)
A part of you is dying off this week. It is something you no longer need and now it is time to purge and release it, for good. A suppressed emotion or obsessive thought keeping you powerless. This is something that you’ve been holding on to for a while. It may even be something you thought you had dealt with, now another layer is coming up for healing. You may feel it as tension or pain in your body. This is an invitation to go deeper into the metaphysical aspect of this, to the emotional and psychological levels. Seek professional, holistic help if you need so you can fully experience the healing process and release this from your energy field. On the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary keep us evolving. The deeper you go with it, the more pain you can transmute into emotional power.

Leo (Judgement)
A new cycle of your soul’s evolution is upon you. It is time to review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take the lessons forward with a new level of spiritual awareness. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required as you become aware that all of the experiences and people that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have developed a deeper understanding of yourself from a higher perspective, and profound wisdom along the way. Use it to guide the next phase of your spiritual journey. Listen to those whispers from your higher self, which is all-knowing and one hundred percent psychic, guiding you toward new experiences and people that will elevate your life. You don’t need to repeat the patterns of the past, they are not needed where you are going. This is a time of revelations, spiritual awakening and Divine guidance to prepare you for a new life cycle. With new awareness, the universe is responding to you now. It has your back.

Virgo (The Hanged One)
The universe is putting you in a temporary pause this week. Whatever significant thing you are thinking of doing is either not fully formed or the wrong timing. You will need to gain a deeper understanding of unseen factors in a particular situation so you can know how to proceed. Magical avenues open up when you expand your awareness beyond the physical and tangible world to the unseen, ethereal and world of soul, spirit and higher realms. You are experiencing  a situation in the 3D that may be confusing or perplexing, and the universe is putting you in The Hanged Man so you can gain a spiritual perspective on it. Things will become clearer when you surrender the problem to the cosmos. Don’t try to force it, flow is your super power this week!

Libra (Eight of Pentacles)
Your work or occupation is in the spotlight this week and you are being asked to stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further. You may even be called to align your work to a higher calling or contribution. Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Continue to develop  your capabilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through dedicated, consistent practice, and it will enhance your ability to be of service in a way that lights you up.

Scorpio (Page of Wands)
News of an exciting new opportunity may stir your spirit this week and the universe is encouraging you to run with it, even if you think you’re not ready. This will spark your creativity and adventurous spirit and you’ll be inspired to explore the potential of this opportunity. It’s all about trusting your instincts to experience something, or someone, exciting. To feel ignited with a lust for life again. This new venture may involve some form of study or delving deeper into a topic to stir your passion. Someone with a fiery, creative spirit may be significant to you this week, most likely a Leo or Sagittarius. The excitement of new adventures lies ahead!  Be bold as you express your spirit and explore new experiences through the eyes of a youthful soul. A world of possibilities is opening for you now.

Sagittarius (Two of Cups)
Romance and love are in the air this week! There is the opportunity to meet kindred spirits or form an emotionally fulfilling romantic connection. This may be with someone quite different to you, a counterpart that complements your energy in the most magical way. You will feel like your best self with this person, they see into your soul and just get you. Sharing your feelings is important as it will bring you closer and strengthen your emotional bond. Approach all situations with an open heart and allow your love to flow. Choose being happy over being right and embrace the magic that unfolds. Heart connections are your most important priority this week and vulnerability is your key to contentment. You know who you can be emotionally safe with, you have a very special and enduring connection, spanning lifetimes. A meeting of hearts, minds and souls.

Capricorn (The Star)
This week you are feeling more positive and hopeful about the future. Your experiences over the recent past have shown that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You can relax now and have full trust in the universe’s plan knowing that challenges are behind you and you are now in a period of integration, healing and soul growth. The cosmos is calling you to a greater level of authentic expression. You are now ready to embrace more of your own soul’s light now. You are optimistic about where you are heading and have support from the cosmos to make long-term plans in the pursuit of your true path. Allow inspiration to flow through you and Divine messages to guide you. Surrender to universal power, there is no need to control. Trust, faith and belief in your self will ensure success. Self-acceptance is your super power this week, and that star you’ve made a wish upon is now winking back at you. Follow your North Star!

Aquarius (Temperance)
There is a need for balance this week, to bring opposing forces into a state of harmony. There may be a particular area of your life, either physical, mental, emotional that is operating at extremes right now. It may feel out of control, like you will never be able to get a handle on it. The good news is angelic assistance is at hand this week to help you to bring a sense of equanimity. Whatever part of your life requires additional love this week needs to take priority in order to re-connect and re-align you to your sacred centre, to the real you. This may be through a spontaneous realisation or vision that brings healing, but you must find time to be in stillness, to be present to facilitate the connection. Faith, hope and patience are your super powers this week. They are the foundation of miracles you know!

Pisces (Seven of Swords)
This is the third time this card has appeared for you in the past five weeks, Pisces. What are the chances?! It seems you are not being truthful about your feelings, and you are avoiding being vulnerable with the person you know you need to be open and honest with. It’s coming through as you operating from a wounded place because of something they had every right to be upset about. This has caused you to go into victim mode and act like you are the one who has been wronged. Deep down, you know the truth and it is up to you to address the conflict that has occurred and clear the tension between you. You cannot rationalise your way out of this by making up a story that abrogates your responsibility in the matter. Avoiding this will only result in the low vibration of untruth being trapped in your psyche. It’s time to face up to the role you played in it and clear the air once and for all.


Soul Scopes 26 Aug – 1 Sep 2024