These Soul Scopes are a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads their Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Justice)
The universe is helping to bring something back into balance for you this week, to make things right. Where you have been wronged, the tables will be turned upright this week. Someone may apologise, or a legal matter may work out in your favour. This is a classic case of 3D justice emulating spiritual justice and you will feel at peace with the outcome. You may need to make an important decision this week too, in the name of truth. If it feels right to pursue something to its final conclusion, regardless of the outcome, this week is the ideal time to initiate action. Or, you may simply decide to leave justice to the universe to work out the karma. You know the spiritual truth of this situation and sometimes that is enough to give you peace of mind. Someone may come back into your life this week to make things right. Important relationships are re-calibrating at this time to accommodate your needs. Have the courage to speak up for what you want/need. You matter too!

Taurus (Five of Swords)
This card reflects the energy of Venus in Aquarius. Your mind is a powerful tool this week and it may take you down all sorts of rabbit holes! There may also be the tendency to self-sabotage and spiral into pessimism because of insecurity or self-doubt. Emotions are clouding your ability to think clearly about your value. Someone may be triggering you to think less of yourself or your racing thoughts are a sign to look more deeply into your triggers – where did they come from and why. For now, ride the emotional wave and wait until you are in calmer waters before making a decision, taking action or creating false stories about yourself. A healthy detachment is needed now, especially if others are being triggered by you. This objectivity will help you to see what is really going on in a particular situation and will help settle flared emotions.

Gemini (Three of Wands)
You are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spirit and enthusiasm this week. Do not passively wait for things to happen, take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. If it makes you feel authentically alive, it’s a big “yes” from the universe. This week you can take calculated risks in order to succeed. Amazing experiences are on their way to you! The universe will provide all that you need while you pursue your life’s purpose, or take that step into the unknown. Be confident that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team in spirit. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Trust your instincts and take brave action toward your destiny.

Cancer (Nine of Pentacles)
This is a time to celebrate your independence and exude inner confidence. You have reached a place of mastery and there is a sense of being able to manage your life with the expectation of success. You are self-sufficient and have all the resources you need to be successful in any endeavour you put your energy into. You are comfortable in your own skin and not bound by the opinions or judgements of others. You are free to take your life in any direction you choose now as you have perfected the art of manifestation to draw the right people and experiences to you that will propel you along your evolutionary path. In this energy of knowing your value, you attract opportunities and people to you who will deeply enrich your life. This is all about being grateful for who you are and where you are in life right now!

Leo (Seven of Swords)
This card reflects the energy of the Moon in Aquarius. There may be a tendency to suppress feelings and avoid being vulnerable with the person you know you need to be open and honest with. It is likely coming from a wounded place within you. This has caused you to go into victim mode and act like you are the one who has been wronged. Deep down, you know the truth and it is up to you to address the conflict that has occurred and clear the tension between you by being honest about how you feel. You cannot rationalise your way out of this by making up a story that abrogates your responsibility in the matter. Avoiding this will only result in the low vibration of untruth being trapped in your psyche. Deep down, you know better and the other person has a right to know.

Virgo (Six of Swords)
Something you have been worrying about shifts to a place of peace this week. All it takes is a decision to surrender what you cannot control. The situation will not be resolved in your mind through continual worry and over-thinking. Lay down your sword of anxiety and hyper-vigilance now and trust that all is well. You may wish to detox yourself from all forms of mainstream and social media to give your mind a break from the matrix this week. This creates space for you to commune with your higher mind, the part of you that connects with the intelligence of the universe to gain deeper understanding and meaning for your life. Something you have been ruminating over is resolved this week and you can finally put it to rest. A mental weight is lifted and you can feel lighter about life again.

Libra (The Hierophant)
Your spiritual awareness and wisdom is elevating to a new level now and you are opening to higher guidance from the Divine. It is time now to draw on this spiritual energy and infuse it into your daily life. Align your energy and interests with your spiritual beliefs as this is where your life takes on deeper meaning,  keeps you on path and provides a greater feeling of peace. This is a great week to honour traditions and ancestors for the groundwork they have laid for your life. A relationship may reach a new level of commitment this week too, it is a connection orchestrated by the universe. Have faith in your faith, whatever it may be, and know that while some of your human experiences may be painful, the soul celebrates every opportunity to grow and evolve. There is something spiritual in the every day. Honouring this is an important part of our time here on Earth. There is a special wisdom gained from experiencing our soul through the medium of our body in this third dimension. Acceptance is key.

Scorpio (Queen of Cups) 
Your feelings are super-sensitive this week and you have strong empathy as you tap into others’ emotions. Caring for others is also highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. It’s safe to give the full cup!

Sagittarius (Two of Pentacles)
There are many tasks to juggle this week, so your best approach is to focus on the highest priority ones and leave the rest to others, or another time. Planning ahead and being realistic about what you can achieve this week are critical to your success. It’s all about figuring out the path of least resistance and flowing with wherever that energy wants to flow. Don’t try to force things this week, it’s important to remain flexible because sometimes the way we think things need to be done is not the most beneficial or successful approach. Inject creativity and fun into your plans this week and marvel at how all of the pieces to fall magically into place without any significant additional energy from you. Trust in your ability to figure it out. You always do!

Capricorn (The Devil)
This week you are supported in releasing an unhealthy program, habit or pattern that you rely on as a coping mechanism. It could be manifesting as pain in your body.  Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Devil energy is fear-based energy where our ego makes decisions over our heart and keeps us held back, playing small. It is our mind trying to keep us safe because it fears the unfamiliar. But this behaviour is now an impediment because it is blocking you from the having the life you desire. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to shift it, as it embedded in your subconscious and the root cause may not be what you think it is. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other is the liberation you have been seeking to finally detach from this emotional and mental weight and free yourself.

Aquarius (Judgement)
A new cycle of your soul’s evolution is upon you. It is time to review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take the lessons forward with a new level of spiritual awareness. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required as you become aware that all of the experiences and people that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have developed a deeper understanding of yourself from a higher perspective, and profound wisdom along the way. Use it to guide the next phase of your spiritual journey. Listen to those whispers from your higher self, which is all-knowing and one hundred percent psychic, guiding you toward new experiences and people that will elevate your life. You don’t need to repeat the patterns of the past, they are not needed where you are going. This is a time of revelations, spiritual awakening and Divine guidance to prepare you for a new life cycle. With new awareness, the universe is responding to you now. It has your back.

Pisces (King of Swords)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional confusion to get to the truth of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and wisdom. Your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve problems with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week – most likely an Aquarius. Enjoy the clarity this week brings and take action on important decisions. You may need to distance yourself from someone’s drama or gossip to help preserve your mental energy. It would serve you well to be dispassionate this week. Stay cool and don’t over react with emotions. Remain objective.


Soul Scopes 30 Dec 2024 – 5 Jan 2025