These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Ace of Swords)
Truth and clarity are key themes for you this week.  Take notice of those messages that come to you as internal voices or inner-knowings as these are epiphanies which provide clarity on a way forward. Act on these ideas faster than the speed of disbelief so your mind can’t talk you out of it. The key here is to stop over-thinking potential outcomes and instead focus your mind on the present. Adjust your course based on current experiences, not old thought patterns. If you believe you should take a new direction or approach to something, trust that insight and move forward to develop the idea further. Clear communication is also essential and it may be time for an honest, mature conversation with someone. The person on your mind may make contact to communicate their truth. Make sure you do the same in return, as truth is healing.

Taurus (The Hanged One)
This is the perfect week for you to take a pause and take stock of your energetic environment. You will need to gain a deeper understanding of unseen factors in a particular situation this week, and your intuitive senses are powerful. You can see beyond surface factors to understand the bigger forces at play in a situation. Trust that sometimes situations or relationships need time for individual contemplation, forgiveness and illumination. Dreams provide insights and future visions this week too. Magical avenues open up when you expand your awareness beyond the physical and tangible world to the unseen, ethereal and world of soul, spirit and higher realms. New pathways and approaches come to light regarding your soul purpose and relationships at this time. Take the higher love aspect with any conflict or disagreement no matter how right you think you are. Surrender and flow are your super powers this week!

Gemini (The Devil)
It is time to deal with an energy within you that is a drain on your emotions, causes anxiety and steals your joy. This week you are supported in releasing an unhealthy attitude, habit or pattern that you rely on as a coping mechanism. Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Devil energy is fear-based energy where our ego makes decisions over our heart and keeps us small. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to really heal this once and for all. Letting go can be challenging as it processes through your body, so take plenty of time to rest and hydrate through this healing journey. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other is the liberation you have been seeking. Breathe, you’ve got this!

Cancer (Queen of Wands)
This week you will find the fire within, filling you with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness, without caring how others perceive you. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week too, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! Make time for play, intimate connection and perhaps some friendly competition to get your pranic energy flowing. You can accomplish anything this week. Go on, set your soul on fire and do something you’ve always wanted to, or something you love but haven’t done in a while!

Leo (The Hermit)
Take time out this week to tend to your inner world, find your still centre, and listen to your inner voice. It is guiding you through a period of uncertainty and confusion. Your inner guide lights the way this week and you may receive guidance on how you can best be of service to others and align with your higher purpose. Your wisdom also lights the path for others this week and you may be called upon to provide spiritual direction for someone. Your mind, body, spirit connection is strong this week. It is all within you, there is no need to look externally for validation or answers. Calm your mind and connect to the messages your soul and body are communicating. Your inner light is guiding the way. The force is strong in you this week, allow it to light your way. After a period of introspection you will know exactly what to do.

Virgo (Knight of Cups)
You will experience the exhilarating highs of love and romance this week and a special connection may make your heart flutter. Someone may show you just how lovable you are and how much they appreciate you. Thoughtful deeds and gestures of love are all around you this week. If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall in love all over again. Love is your currency this week, open up to receive it in so many different ways. Someone who is romantic, caring and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces! A surprise loving gesture brings emotional connection with someone special.

Libra (Ace of Pentacles)
A reliable, stable energy surrounds you this week. Abundance flows in the form of money, time or energy to assist you in the physical realm. This is the ideal week to begin a new venture which is aligned to a higher purpose and provides a new source of income. A new job or promotion is also indicated, as is being in the spotlight for your work. A new regime or approach to your physical health is also supported this week. It is also an ideal time to make an investment, so be open to any signs that stand out to you as this is Divine guidance opening your eyes to new streams of prosperity. A time of stability and setting up new, solid foundations for your future.

Scorpio (Ten of Wands)
You may be feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities and commitments this week. Your only task is to focus on what truly matters and leave the rest to others. Sometimes we believe it is best for us to do the work ourselves as we know the job will be done right, but this can result in stress that can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. This is a lesson in delegation and trust. Ask for and accept help from others and/or delegate or outsource tasks you’re not good at or don’t want to do so you can preserve your energy for the priorities. Life is meant to be joyful, not a struggle. Lighten your load without guilt or remorse. In the end, you are only responsible for you, you don’t have to carry the load for others, they are on their own journey. Lay down your burdens and do something fun to lighten your energy. It’s time to regain your spark!

Sagittarius (Four of Wands)
Something in your life is about to stabilise, a foundation of spiritual connection that uplifts your soul. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. You have attracted certain people and experiences into your life that have allowed you to become more at home in your soul. Keep trusting your higher self and co-creating your life with the universe. Angel numbers 11:11 are confirmation that you are in alignment with your purpose and life path when you operate in the energy of celebrating all of the wonderful moments and events with joy and excitement. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now.

Capricorn (Four of Swords)
This week it is important for you to rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself mentally. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if time allows. Mental rest and recuperation are needed to reignite your hope and positive outlook on life and freshen your thinking. Healing is at hand when you shut down your mind and have faith that everything is working out exactly as it is meant to.

Aquarius (Nine of Wands)
This week the focus is on your ability to be resilient in the face of challenge and adversity. Believe in yourself and keep moving along the path you’ve created with the end goal in mind, even though all you want to do right now is give up. There is no need to struggle to get the results you want. This will only cause you to feel tired and weary and possibly give up. Setbacks are merely sacred roadworks forcing you to slow down and honour the universe’s Divine plan and timing, sometimes diverting you from pain and disaster. The path you’re on is the right one, you just need to reignite your inspiration to keep going by connecting with that original spark that motivated you to take this path in the first place. The point at which you want to give up is the where things start to speed up again when dig deep into your inner well-spring. You have totally got this, you’re closer than you think!

Pisces (Seven of Pentacles)
This is a week of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward. Will you keep doing the same things, or hanging around the same people, or do changes need to be made so you can feel like your investment will grow in the way you want? If you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for with a goal or project, it’s time to adjust and use the wisdom of your experience to guide you toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed to regain momentum now. You know what to do, you’ve already built the foundation. Trust yourself to know the right timing to move forward again with something you know is a worthwhile investment in your future happiness.

Soul Scopes 5-11 June 2023