These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Nine of Wands)
This card represents the energy of the Moon in Sagittarius. This is a mix of Fire and Water elements, opposing forces that can cause you to oscillate between giving up and fighting on. Sometimes, the point where you want to give up is when the break-through happens. Something is shifting within you this week, and there is no need to struggle to get the results you want. Setbacks are merely sacred roadworks forcing you to slow down and honour the universe’s Divine plan and timing so you can learn valuable lessons that strengthen you. The path you’re on is the right one, you just need to reconnect with your inspiration to keep going by connecting with that original vision that motivated you to take this path in the first place. Then you can take guided action that feels right for you, rather than operating from a place of obligation. Connecting with this sacral energy will allow you to go to extraordinary lengths to guard and protect your cherished goals and keep going. If the vision no longer inspires you, perhaps it is time to rest and reconnect with your feelings to help you decide what you want to do next.

Taurus (King of Swords)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional confusion and get straight to the heart of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and wisdom. Your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve problems with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week – most likely a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Enjoy the clarity this week brings and take action on important decisions. You may need to distance yourself from someone’s drama or gossip to help preserve your mental energy.

Gemini (Knight of Swords)
This week you are taking direct action on your ideas to get an outcome. You have the ability to think on your feet and make confident decisions which will come in handy as an unexpected situation may arise this week. Don’t be pressured into an impulsive decision, gather as much information as you can in the time you have and use your rational brain to make your choice. Look after your mental state this week by feeding your mind with words of kindness and inspiration. Then, start to believe they are true. If there’s something you have been meaning to say to someone, this is the ideal week to do it. It’s ideal timing to deliver that direct communication you have been mulling over in your mind. Trust that you will find the right words in the moment to get your point across.

Cancer (The Devil)
It is time to deal with an energy within you that steals your joy and keeps you in a state of unhealthy attachment. This week you are supported in releasing an unhealthy program, habit or pattern that you rely on as a coping mechanism. Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Devil energy is fear-based energy where our ego makes decisions over our heart and keeps us held back. It is our mind trying to keep us safe because it fears letting go. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to heal this once and for all as it is likely so embedded in our subconscious we may not be aware of the root cause. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other is the liberation you have been seeking to finally detach from this emotional and mental weight and free yourself.

Leo (The Hanged One)
The universe is putting you in a temporary pause this week. Whatever significant thing you are thinking of doing is either not fully formed or is the wrong timing and you may feel frustrated that there is no forward movement on it. You will need to gain a deeper understanding of unseen factors this situation so you can know how to proceed. Magical avenues open up when you expand your awareness beyond the physical and tangible world to the unseen, ethereal and world of soul, spirit and higher realms. You are experiencing  a situation in the 3D that may be confusing or perplexing, and the universe is putting you in The Hanged Man so you can gain a spiritual perspective on it. Things will become clearer when you surrender the problem to the cosmos. Don’t try to force it, flow is your super power this week!

Virgo (Eight of Pentacles)
Your work or occupation is in the spotlight this week and you are being asked to stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further. You may even be called to align your work to a higher calling or contribution. Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Continue to develop  your capabilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through dedicated, consistent practice, and it will enhance your ability to be of service in a way that lights you up.

Libra (Four of Wands)
This is a time of celebration as your life is elevating to a new level of connection with people in your soul tribe. This is also a sign of a major rite of passage or significant personal achievement. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now, and it could be a deep soul connection with someone with whom you can journey through life. The Full Moon in Aries on 17th October is aligning you to your highest timeline in love and you may meet someone very significant to the course of your life.

Scorpio (King of Pentacles)
You are feeling stable, grounded and comfortable with where you are at in life this week, particularly in a material and physical sense. You are stepping up and taking care of your responsibilities, providing stability and showing up for others in your world too. Work wise, you are confidently owning your authority in a particular field and it may be rewarded with higher remuneration as a reflection of your value and contribution. You are in an abundance mindset of knowing that things always work out well for you and the universe always provides what you need, and more. Your maturity and practicality will serve you well this week. An auspicious time to plan for your long term financial future and make adjustments now to ensure sustainability. A Capricorn may be significant to you this week. You may need to step up and take responsibility for a group or team. This is a chance to showcase your leadership.

Sagittarius (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding or holding back from. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to get in the way, it robs your joy and dims your light. Just be your authentic self by acknowledging how you feel and remain open hearted. Even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will be proud of yourself for being so brave it won’t matter! Then you can keep moving forward with greater confidence knowing you have the capacity to face any challenge with your lion-hearted inner strength. A Leo may be important to you this week.

Capricorn (Two of Swords)
Same card again for you this week, Capricorn! There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week. Are you refusing to see a situation clearly? You hold the key to your mental clarity by getting in touch with the truth via your emotions. You can try all you like to sweep it under the carpet and convince yourself that something is the way you want it to be, but your feelings know the truth and are leading you into deeper territory to face fears and patterns. You know what’s going on and you need to face up to it, otherwise your head and heart will continue to be in discord and that is not a healthy state to be in. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you will know what to do to resolve the situation and the decision you need to make will emerge via a realisation or intuitive knowing.

Aquarius (Queen of Swords)
Discerning the truth of a situation will be important this week. You will need to trust your inner knowing and balance it with the evidence you have in front of you. You may need to be brutally honest about the reality of a situation. Honesty and humour in are your tools of choice as you navigate decisions and assess courses of action this week. You have the ability to see clearly and not be swayed by emotions or hidden agendas. Your perception is razor sharp and you can rely on your judgement but you don’t need to be harsh in your delivery of the truth, temper it with a splash of empathy. You may feel like calling someone out on their lies or misconduct and it may be important to put a boundary in place too. This is also a powerful time to speak your truth from a place of deep knowing of, and love for, yourself. You can be honest and kind at the same time. Communication is essential, but choose your words wisely. A strong mind is your superpower this week and will help you to navigate confusing emotional waters with calmness and clarity.

Pisces (Five of Cups)
It is important to acknowledge your emotions this week, even if they are uncomfortable. Whatever is bothering you, just remember that all emotions are valid and you don’t have to pretend you’re okay. Being human isn’t easy, but our painful experiences are designed to propel us further into being the best version of ourselves. We grow through our challenges because they connect us with deeper parts of ourselves. In time you will see why this situation turned out the way it did. You cannot change what you did or said, or what others may have said or done to you. You need to acknowledge the hurt and understand how your mind has created stories and limiting beliefs to keep you safe. But also how these coping mechanisms are no longer working for you as they have created separation and disconnection from self-love. Forgive yourself and focus on amplifying the love that remains in your heart. Deep connection is the outcome when you work through the difficult emotions and see how you have created your current situation.

Soul Scopes 7-13 October 2024